Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Questions about ordering :

  1. How do I place an order? To place an order, simply browse our website, select the items you want, and add them to your basket. Once you’ve finished shopping, follow the instructions to finalize your order.
  2. Can I cancel an order? Yes, you can cancel an order before it is shipped. Please contact our customer service as soon as possible with your order number to cancel.
  3. How can I check the status of my order? You can check the status of your order by logging into your account on our website and consulting the “Order History” section. In addition, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with tracking information as soon as your order is shipped.

Questions about payment :

  1. What payment methods do you accept? We accept a variety of payment methods, including credit cards, debit cards, PayPal and more. You can select your preferred payment method during the checkout process.
  2. Are payments secure? Yes, the security of your payments is a priority for us. Our website uses advanced security protocols to guarantee the confidentiality of your payment information.

Questions about delivery :

  1. Can I change my delivery address? If you need to change your delivery address, please contact us as soon as possible before your order is shipped. We will do our best to accommodate your request.
  2. How are delivery charges calculated? Delivery charges are calculated according to the delivery method chosen and your delivery address. The exact charges will be displayed during the checkout process.

Return and refund policy :

  1. Can I return an item? Yes, we accept returns of unused or defective items within 14 days of receipt. Please see our returns policy on our website for more details.
  2. Can I exchange an item? Yes, if you would like to exchange an item for another size or color, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Other questions :

  1. How can I contact your customer service department? You can contact our customer service by e-mail at [e-mail address] or via our online chat available on our website.
  2. Do you offer discounts for members? Yes, we offer special discounts and exclusive offers to members of our loyalty program. Register today on our website to take advantage of these benefits.

We hope these answers have been helpful. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your interest in our online store!

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